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"Taking up the cello after years (and years!) of playing the sax was a

real challenge. I began to think I had bitten off more than I could chew,

but when I discovered the cello group at Emmi it simply became a

real pleasure.

Although we have different playing experiences and skills, we learn together

from our different strengths - it is hard to imagine a more supportive setting, nor 

one that could be more enjoyable."


"After years of not making any music (not even practising), I jumped at the opportunity and joined Emmi. I have always wanted to play in a chamber music group, but I've always found the standards too high for my level of expertise (grade 3).

For me, Emmi ticks all the boxes. We are making music in a supportive and fun environment, the music is gorgeous (mainly Baroque) and the level is just right."



"Before joining Emmi I had not played with others for several years. I was looking for an opportunity to play my cello regularly but was nervous and felt that maybe I was too 'Rusty'.

When I saw the advert for Emmi, it sounded perfect for me. On my first session with the group my nerves quickly evaporated as it was such a welcoming atmosphere and it was okay to make mistakes!

The group has given me confidence again in playing, and already we can see that as a group we are progressing, which is very fulfilling."



"As a late starter (on the flute), I have found Emmi to provide a fun, supportive and rewarding way of playing, discovering and learning lovely music along the way. 

To be highly recommended!"

                                                      Alastair (assistant tea trolley operator).

"I graduated from music college 15 years ago and had a few professional gigs before I decided to quit due to paralysing stage fright.

Over the last year or two I realised I missed chamber music playing and wanted to rediscover the fun side of music.

I saw Emmi advertised on gumtree, but I was so scared it took me another 2 months before I responded to it.

I was shaking like a leaf on my first night, but the group were so welcoming and we had such a laugh, I wondered why I got so nervous in the first place!

We play great music and have a lot of fun. I wish I had done it years ago!"


"Moving to Edinburgh, breaking into the music community was going to be a long and hard process as I didn't know anyone, or have any contacts within the Music comminuty of Edinburgh. Leaving a permanent position in Australia as a professional Flautist with the Western Australian Orchestra, I was very keen to get playing and meet like-minded people, not only to make friends, but to also connect with other flautists/musicians/ensembles.


Emmi has provided a much needed environment for me to get to know people, and play in an environment that is fun, nurturing, and welcoming to all levels no matter what your background.


I play with this ensemble 2 times a week, and enjoy every experience. Meeting new people all the time, playing all types of genres from different composers. Each week is different, which is very refreshing. Emmi is growing from strength to strength with it's wonderful leader who continues to create a special something in Edinburgh. Well done, and so glad our paths have crossed:)"





"Sometimes I can't believe I'm sitting there, spending an evening with a group of like-minded people, having lots of fun and playing wonderful music - Just like in the old days, when people would gather in their homes in the evening to make music...that's chamber music!

Do join us - at least give it a try."




"When I joined the Edinburgh Music Making Initiative I hadn't played in over 40 years. My initial contact with them gave me reassurance that it didn't matter how many of the notes I could play, it was about having a go and having fun. So I hired a violin and went along to my first session feeling quite nervous. Well, I was out of tune and missed many notes, but I was playing again!


Joining Emmi has been wondeful for me - my playing has progressed, within a few weeks I was playing in a concert which was unbelievable and I have met some lovely like-minded people all wanting to get back to the joy of playing music. 

I thoroughly recommend it."


"Not having picked up my flute for many years, I was looking for an opportunity to start playing again in an informal setting where the emphasis was on fun and enjoying the music - where it wouldn't matter if I played a wrong note or couldn't keep up!

I'm so glad I found Emmi: the group has been very welcoming and I've rediscovered the love of playing music again without having the pressure to be perfect!

We play a range of music from different centuries and genres, and the emphasis is always on enjoyment and having a go - and a beautiful tea trolley appears at half-time!"



"I have been a flautist for a while and have joined many music groups in the past, but I have always been nervous while playing  as my sight reading is not the best. Since Joining Emmi my nerves are no longer there. All I needed was basic knowledge on sight reading plus everyone is sooo welcoming it makes it all the more enjoyable. I have also made new friends alsong the way.

I would recommend Emmi to anyone wanting to play music in a nice friendly environment."

                                                     Claire :)

    © 2015 by Kerry MacIver for Emmi

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